Indri Wirahmi Bay
- Bahasa
Local content is an elementary school subject that contains the Gorontalo language. It is continuously a concern of the government to maintain it. Unfortunately, the local content textbook used by the teachers seems monotonous and unattractive for both the teachers and the students. Based on the given questionnaire, the teachers generally indicated that the textbook was not colourful, the content was not attractive, and it was too tedious. Moreover, some teachers did not use any textbook but just browsed for material on the internet. This research intends to design a syllabus in the first year and to produce a textbook for local content subject in the second year by adapting the English for Young Learners learning strategy. The textbook is designed based on English language skills and language components. It utilizes songs, and games that encourage young learners to learn their native language. The content of the textbook describes about Gorontalo culture such as traditions and customs, historical sites, traditional foods and arts. This will lead the students to have two benefits in learning the Gorontalo language; they can learn their native language and Gorontalo culture at the same time. The study applies the Research and Development Method (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 297) to create the syllabus of local content with four main steps namely (1) identifying problems; (2) designing the syllabus; (3) validating the syllabus; (4) producing the product of syllabus. The syllabus as a main output of the study is expected to provide a new approach for both teachers and students by adapting the English for Young Learners learning strategies to the local content learning teaching process to maintain Gorontalo culture.
Keywords: Muatan Lokal (MULOK), Syllabus, English for Young Leaner, learning strategies
English Language Education Publishing
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