Novriyanto Napu
- Bahasa
Translation of tourism information has played an important role in the regional tourism industry Translation of tourism information has played an important role in the regional tourism industry promotion in Indonesia. One of the approaches in promoting the Indonesian tourism industry has been by producing promotional materials that contain tourism information in Indonesian with an English translation. This promotional material aimsat attracting and encouraging potential visitors to visit the places presented in the materials. However, there is a question of whether these tourism texts translations have functioned well to serve its purpose given the fact that tourism text translation has always been criticized for its poor quality. This paper aims at examiningthe translation quality of bilingual tourism promotional materials and the implication on the effectiveness for tourism purposes. The data were four tourism brochures collected from the regional tourism board of Gorontalo in Indonesia.Data wereanalyzed qualitatively to identify the nature of the translation problems in the texts and to consider the implications of these problems for the effectiveness of the text for tourism promotion. The findings revealed that the problems of translation are varied from a low-level linguistic aspect to more significant cultural reference problems. This paper argues that these translation problems have a significantimpact onthe text for tourismpromotion as they undermine the text ability to achievethe purpose of tourism promotional material.
Keywords: tourism promotion material, translation, communicative function, text effectiveness.
Atlantis Press
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