Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. HANISAH HANAFI, M.Pd. / 0021016504
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
NURLAILA HUSAIN, S.S., M.Pd / 0021087904
Kiftiyah, Mariatul. 2016. The Implementation of Running Dictation Strategy to Improve Students' Listening Ability (This research conducted at the eleventh grade of MA Al-Haq Cokroaminoto Wonosari). Skripsi. English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal advisor, Dr. Hanisah Hanafi, M.Pd and Nurlaila Husain, S.S., M. Pd.
The final project is about the implementation of running dictation strategy to improve students' listening ability. Running dictation is the strategy in which students work in group. Every group consists of four or five students in which students are given the opportunity to interact with their group in a way to run and dictate text has been prepared. The aim of this research is to find out wether the implementation of running dictation strategy can improve students' listening ability or not. This research focuses to look the change of the students' score in listening skill after the students get running dictation as the treatment. The sample in this research is the students XI IPS of MA Al-Haq Cokroaminoto Wonosari that consist of 24 students. This research used pre-experimental design as the method. In this research, the researcher found that mean score of pre-test t-list or 11,08 > 2,07. So, it can be concluded that a running dictation can improve the students' listening ability. This research shows that running dictation is one of others way to develop the students' ability in listening skill, so the English teacher can use running dictation as the method in teaching and learning process. For the other researcher, a running dictation can be applied in another skill.
Keyword: Running Dictation, Listening Ability
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