Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf
- Perikanan
Abstract: This study aims to make a formula of nike jerky (yilepao) using sweet potato
flour and the characteristics of the formula. The formulation begins with the manufacture
of sweet potato flour. Furthermore, the formulation of spices and concentrations of sweet
potato flour will be used in making nike fish jerky (yilepao). Furthermore, the drying
process is carried out using a drying oven at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. The dried beef
jerky was tested for the characteristics of organoleptic quality, chemical quality and
microbiology (TPC). The data from the test results were then analyzed using the Kurskal
Wallis non-parametric test for organoleptic data, and the RAL for chemical and
microbiological tests of jerky products (yilepao). If it is significantly different, a further
test is carried out using the Duncan method. The treatment in this study is the
concentration of sweet potato flour used (20%, 30% and 40%). Based on the research
results of nike fish jerky using sweet potato flour as a binder and filler organoleptically
the 3 formulas in all test parameters were at the standard limit of panelist acceptance.
The jerky formula with 30% sweet potato flour concentration has the highest favorite
value. Characteristics of the quality of the formula, namely; a) organoletically has a
rather neat appearance, brown to yellowish brown, slightly cracked solid texture, aroma
of fish and strong spices, criteria for good taste, fish taste and strong seasoning, sweet
potato tasteless; b) the chemical characteristics are as follows: water content of 47.35%;
protein content 22.96%; fat content 6.56%; ash content of 1.55% and carbohydrate
content of 14.70%. Tilapia TPC 4.41 cfu / g Based on the research results of nike fish
jerky using sweet potato flour as a binder and filler organoleptically the 3 formulas in all
test parameters are at the standard limit of panelist acceptance. Tilapia TPC 4.41 cfu / g a) organoletically has a rather neat appearance, brown to yellowish brown, slightly
cracked solid texture, aroma of fish and strong spices, criteria for good taste, fish taste
and strong seasoning, sweet potato tasteless; b) the chemical characteristics are as
follows: water content of 47.35%; protein content 22.96%; fat content 6.56%; ash
content of 1.55% and carbohydrate content of 14.70%. Tilapia TPC 4.41 cfu / g a)
organoletically has a rather neat appearance, brown to yellowish brown, slightly cracked
solid texture, aroma of fish and strong spices, criteria for good taste, fish taste and strong
seasoning, sweet potato tasteless; b) the chemical characteristics are as follows: water
content of 47.35%; protein content 22.96%; fat content 6.56%; ash content of 1.55% and
carbohydrate content of 14.70%. Tilapia TPC 4.41 cfu /g.
Keywords: nike jerky, yilepao, Sweet Potato, fish jerky,
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