Sitti Nursinar
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was how the survival of Rhizophora apiculata mangrove propagules with different media in Langge Village, Anggrek District, North Gorontalo Regency. The research was carried out in October 2020 - January 2021, taking place in Langge Village, Anggrek District, North Gorontalo Regency. Observations were made periodically every week for three months by measuring the planting height, stem width and number of leaves on mangrove plants. Plant height was measured using a ruler starting from the position of the plant stem above the ground to the tip of the stem. Plant diameter was measured with calipers at the position of the trunk circle which was 30 cm above the soil surface. The number of leaves and the number of branches were counted manually by calculating the total number and number of branches that appeared. Data analysis used in this study is for mangrove height growth (X) aims to calculate the addition of mangrove height in a certain period of time. To find out the survival rate, what percentage of the number of mangroves grows compared to the number of mangroves when planted. The formula used to determine the survival rate (Survival) of mangroves. The results showed that the successful survival of propagules in Langge Village, Anggrek District, used 17 propagules (85%) as polybags and 14 propagules (70%) without polybags. Data analysis used in this study is for mangrove height growth (X) aims to calculate the addition of mangrove height in a certain period of time. To find out the survival rate, what percentage of the number of mangroves grows compared to the number of mangroves when planted. The formula used to determine the survival rate (Survival) of mangroves. The results showed that the successful survival of propagules in Langge Village, Anggrek District, used 17 propagules (85%) as polybags and 14 propagules (70%) without polybags. Data analysis used in this study is for mangrove height growth (X) aims to calculate the addition of mangrove height in a certain period of time. To find out the survival rate, what percentage of the number of mangroves grows compared to the number of mangroves when planted. The formula used to determine the survival rate (Survival) of mangroves. The results showed that the successful survival of propagules in Langge Village, Anggrek District, used 17 propagules (85%) as polybags and 14 propagules (70%) without polybags. The formula used to determine the survival rate (Survival) of mangroves. The results showed that the successful survival of propagules in Langge Village, Anggrek District, used 17 propagules (85%) as polybags and 14 propagules (70%) without polybags. The formula used to determine the survival rate (Survival) of mangroves. The results showed that the successful survival of propagules in Langge Village, Anggrek District, used 17 propagules (85%) as polybags and 14 propagules (70%) without polybags. Keywords: propogul, mangrove, Rhizophora apiculate, ecosystem, sustainable.
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