Salim Korompot
- Pendidikan
Topi Village, Biau District, North Gorontalo Regency, as one of the villages located on the coastline of North Sulawesi. The coast line crosses 3 (three) provinces, namely North Sulawesi Province, Gorontalo Province and Central Sulawesi Province. Despite being on the coastline, the potential wealth of Topi Village has not been seen to the maximum in accordance with the development objectives in the village. In fact, Topi Village has a wealth of potential that is able to be competitive, such as the potential of Tanjung and Patoalimu Beach, typical fish and shrimp windu. There are problems with infrastructure limitations, not optimal management of potential and not the maximum involvement of participatory communities in village development become constraints and challenges that require programmatic solutions. KKN Thematic program of social media utilization training in promoting the competitiveness of Topi village, conducted in the form of training and mentoring, with stages: supply stage, activity implementation stage, training results, evaluation and monitoring stage, and training impact. Training and mentoring in this program is able to contribute to the improvement of people's knowledge and skills in utilizing social media to promote the competitiveness of the village, while also being able to impact on increasing community participation in building villages by utilizing social media to promote the competitiveness potential of Topi village
Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)
Salim Korompot¹, Mohamad Rizal Pautina², Rena Madina³
Tipe Material
Salim Korompot¹, Mohamad Rizal Pautina², Rena Madina³
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