Magdalena Baga
- Sastra
The perception and evaluation of fashion originating from a certain ethnic or cultural group may appear peculiar and comical when observed and assessed by others from different cultural backgrounds. In the realm of classical literature, this phenomenon typically manifests itself through depictions that re flect the cultural perspective of the author, despite the utilization of a narrator within their literary composition. The objective of this study is to elucidate the categorization of Dutch New York's ethnic fashion in literature as the "other." The literary compositions authored by Washington Irving, an early American writer, revolve around the theme of Dutch New York. Through the medium of novels and short stories, Irving skillfully incorporates humorous observations from the narrator, which subtly suggest that individuals belonging to different ethnic backgrounds, such as the Dutch, are perceived as distinct due to their contrasting appearance. The present paper employs the theoretical framework proposed by Michael Ryan et al. to elucidate the process of targeting a certain ethnic group using the concepts of identification and differentiation. The pro cess of identification and differentiation is evident in the work through the use of representation. The approach of dismantling texts that align literary works with what happened in society and history that establish connections between literary works and historical events demonstrates that the creator of classical lit erature, whether consciously or unconsciously, portrays ethnicity as the "other" through their descriptions. Keywords: Fashion, the Other, Identification, Differentiation, History
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE 2023), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Atlantis Press, Springer Natur
Magdalena Baga
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