Zainudin Bonok
- Teknik
This research aims to take advantage of advances in information and communication technology and digital transformation in Basic Telecommunication Engineering practicum as a user guide. With the hope that the virtual lab will continue to be held because it is influenced by two conditions, namely the lack of sufficient and complete practical equipment. Second, practicums are still carried out even though they cannot be present in person due to circumstances and situations where it is impossible to attend practicums directly in the laboratory. So with the virtual lab, practicums can still be carried out on time and are also intended to improve the quality of practicums supported by the fact that they are not limited by time and place. , it is also hoped that it can help students to continue their practicum. With the use guide for the Digital Transformation Practicum for Basic Telecommunication Engineering Subjects with the form: Module, Practical Steps, you must register by filling in your username and password. Digital Transformation Technology is a future web-based practicum development so that Basic Telecommunication Engineering courses can be carried out online supported by instructions for use. The implementation of virtual labs can facilitate students to still be able to carry out practicums even though there are still limited infrastructure constraints. From the research results obtained, digital transformation with virtual lab technology can be used without time limitations with the hope that it must be supported by a smooth internet network. The use of information and communication technology with digital transformation with virtual lab technology is intended to improve the quality of students for the better and a virtual lab practicum has been implemented for all students in the Basic Telecommunication Engineering course for semester 3 of 2023/2024.
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR
Zainudin Bonok, Fitriani Lakoro, Alya Pratiwi Putri Junus
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