Salma Halidu
- Pendidikan
The provision of education for students with disabilities or who have excellent potential of intelligence and talents are currently in regular school called inclusive education. Meanwhile, until now there has been no guidelines for the implementation of inclusive education related to the curriculum. The problem in this study is how Model Of Children with special Needs Through Inclusive Class at SDN 1 Bone Bolango. This study aims to find out how the Model of Children with Special Needs Through Inclusive Class at SDN 1 Kabila. This research type is quantitative research by using descriptive method. Data collection instruments used by researchers in this study are questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. Data obtained from this research questionnaire the processed using descriptive analysis percentage. The population in this study is all teachers who numbered 11 people. The results of this study explain that the Model of Children with special needs through inclusive class at SDN 1 Kabila by looking at aspects of inclusion service model and integration service model not all indicators meet the criteria either. This can be seen from the details as follows. For the inclusion service model, the overall score was 581 or 61,39% and the integration service model obtained an overall score of 74 0r 60,8%. So both aspects of this service model are in good category, but not all indicators meet the criteria either.
Keywords: service model, and children with special needs
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Biaya Sendiri
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