Zuchri Abdussamad
- Ilmu Sosial
Abstact, The implementation of NUSSP (Neighborhood Upgrading Shelter Sector Project) program policy is a residential upgrading and settlement sector project in the context of uban slum settlement management for the empowerment of the poor communities based on ttridaya in Makassar City Which was implemented since 2005-2009 (phase I).This study used a qualitative approach by using case study at five urban villages os NUSSP’s progam location as the key areas, namely: Buloa, Cambaya, Lette Rappocini, and Balang Beru sub-districts within Makassar. The data collection used in-depth interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), direct and participatory observation supported by document study, case history, and triangulation. The result of this study indicated that the integrative model achievement of NUSSP’s program policy implementation in handling of urban slum settlement by using tridaya’s empowerment approach as an effort to empower the poor society, in the form of output and outcome of policy implementation that had provided benefits for the government and the poor communities from the empowerment development aspect, such as physical environment, economic empowerment, and social empowerment. Altrough from the economic aspect and social empowerment were not relatively optimal conducted by government and private parties, neither were not yet relatively optimal conducted by NUSSP executing actors in the utilization of local cultural values and religious values to support the successful implementation of NUSSP program policies in the field. The findings of this study were in the from of development of “Tridaya” empowerment concept into “Pancadaya” (environmental, social, economic, cultural and religious development). This finding revealed that the importance of the use of cultural and religious values transformed in the poor community empowerment concept, so it was assumed that they will give a significant contribution in supporting the integrative modal of NUSSP’s program policy implementatioan in the handling of slums in order to empower the poor communities in urban slum areas.
Keywords: policy implementation, NUSSP program, slum settlement, Tridaya-Pancadaya empowerment, poor society
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Educations
Florida International University, United State
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