Pupung Puspa Ardini
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This study aims to find out how the efforts of teachers in helping develop the character of the Islamic-based leader in Gorontalo. The focus of research include the efforts of teachers in helping develop the character of the Islamic-based leader, teachers strategies, and materials accordingly with children's ability and attract to learn while playing for 5-6 years old. This Scientific Study was conducted in September 2015 in Gorontalo. Qualitative studies in this research were conducted based on the study of observation, documentation, interviews and various literature related to the application of Islamic-based leader character for 5-6 years old. Data analysis used in this research is the developmental research sequence model of Spradley. Based on the results of research, In the first three months have not emphasized on learning about subject matter, but more emphasis on the formation of characters, especially the character of the Islamic leader and the process of internalization of the character itself. The Characters are courage (istiqamah), trusted (Siddiq), responsible (Amanah), Intelligent (Fathanah), and transmitter of information (tabligh). The strategies are some activities such as story telling, nasyid or singing Islami, tilawah, tahfidz, practice Adzan and Iqamah, practice to give speeches, manasic (ritual) of hajj, and practice to become the master of ceremony.
Atlantis Press
Tipe Material
ISSN: 2352-5398 ISBN978-94-6252-390-6
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