Pupung Puspa Ardini
- Pendidikan
The objective of this research is to determine the effect of the instructional method of reading, visual spatial intelligence, and school readiness on early reading ability among the first grade of elementary students. This study adopted a treatment of 2 x 2 x 2 level design with the total sample of 80 students. There are two types of instructional method of reading; Multisensory and Phonics,these were used as treatment. Analysis of Variance of Three Factors was used analyse the data collection. The study reveals that, there are significant differences in the average scores of early reading-Performance of Multisensory and Phonics tests;differences between the highest and lowest visual spatial intelligences scores;the highest and lowest school readiness average scores as well as the significant interaction between instructional method of reading and visual spatial intelligences; instructional method of reading and school readiness; visual spatial intelligences and school readiness;the instructional method of reading, visual spatial intelligences, and school readiness on early reading. Based on these findings, it is, therefore, recommended to conduct technical guiandce activities for teachers in primary school,and conduct a workshop on writting the guidebook for the activity of multisensory methods in the classroom. In addition, designing early reading program as the foundation at the beginning of the school years recommended.
Tipe Material
17(4): 1-22, 2017; Article no.JSRR.38737 ISSN: 2320-0227 DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2017/38737
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