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Abstract. This study aims to describe the narrative structure of Osakat Anak Asmat novel by Ani Sekarningsih. The narrative structure of the novel OAA analyzed based on Gerard Genette's theoretical perspective, which focuses on five narrative structures, namely order, duration, frequency, mood, and voice. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The data analysis is based on Genette's theory of nathology which includes two stages, namely partial analysis and integral analysis. Based on the results of the research, the OAA novel narrative structure structure is as follows. First, the OAA novel formula is structured in the narrative sequence of the achrony. Secondly, there are two narrative duration movements used, ie scene and pause. Third, the narrative frequency used in the novel is a singular representation. Fourth, narrative mood of OAA novel is narrator technique outside story, focalization technique used is zero focalization. Fifth, narrator techniques and focalizations of OAA novels relate to the level of narrative sounds that are heterodiegetik-ekstradiegetik. The narrative time the OAA novel is a simultaneous, a narrative technique that takes the background of storytelling at a time in the novel.
Keywords: ethnographic novel, narrative structure, Gérard Genette
AKSARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (
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