- Bahasa
The aim of this study was to develop teaching material with constructivism approach to improve student skill in writing scientific paper. This study also aim to test effectiveness of product in learning process of writing scientific paper in classroom. R2D2 development model was used in this research to achieve these research objective. R2D2 development model consists of four focuses, namely definition, design and development, effectiveness test, and dissemination. Its implementation in field, this research refers to nonlinear focus. Difinition focus was done by setting product and team participation. Design and development focus were done by designing teaching material and development process. Development process was done by practitioner test, expert test, product test in field, and effectiveness test of product in field. Data of expert test, practitioner test, and product test in field form qualitative data, effectiveness test data in field form quantitative data. Qualitative data was analyzed by domain technique. Domain include format, content, material organization, and language aspect of product. Quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS 16.0 for windows. Results of development research was teaching material of writing scientific paper with constuctivism approach. Teaching material development product has specific characteristic that different with conventional teaching material. Uniqueness was reflected in using of constructivism approach in learning with four activities, namely (a) orientation, (b) exploration of concept, (c) interpretation/concept inquiry, and (d) concept application. Result of effectiveness test of product showed that learning process with teaching material of development product improve learning outcomes in writing scientific paper. The increase can be seen from difference significant between pretest score and posttest score on learning scientific paper with constructivism approach.
Key words: teaching material, writing of scientific paper, constructivism approach
International Institute for Science, Technology, and Education
Tipe Material
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