Astin Lukum
- Sains
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is as a preliminary study for gathering information about teaching sup ervision as a
professional service for teachers which is conducted by supervisors for developing professional teachers. Data in this research
were gathered and collected through observation and interview. That data is roles of supervisors in providing assistance and
guidance and also obstacle faced by teachers and supervisors in science teaching implementation also supervision. Subject of
this research are teachers who teach science in elementary school of 6 regencies and cities in entire of Gorontalo provi nce. 15
science teachersfrom elementry school are choosen as samples. Samples were choosen using purposive sampling technique.
Based on observation of the teaching process in class, all respondents have already implemented preliminary activities such a s
prepare the student, apperception, explain Basic compentencies and objectives, main activities consist of exploration,
elaboration, confirmation and closing. Implementation of science teaching supervision have been done by supervisor and
headmaster but still has not met the frequency as required in minimum service standard of primary education because has not
met the criteria of twice a month and 3 hours in each visitation.
KEYWORDS: Supervision, Science Teaching
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Negeri Medan
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