Zuchri Abdussamad
- Ekonomi
The total area of the village of Iloheluma approximately 1960 ha; directly adjacent to the southern waters of the Gulf of Tomini, mountainous area north Green Valley Village, west; road to the Trans Sulawesi with Dulohupa Village and east by the Village Wapalo which each have the potential stored. The population of the village of 870 souls Iloheluma with 143 number of households. Population by occupation is 60 KK craftsman palm sugar, 40 KK Farmers, and the rest are traders, as well as other residents work as farm laborers, encroachers of forest product and unemployment.The business of making palm sugar made by artisans in general as a sideline. This is because the tree tapping time arennya done in the morning and afternoon outside the main working time. This business is categorized as the type of home industry because pengerjaanya individually in each house craftsmen. Chosen field of activity is the formation of community groups craftsman palm sugar. Method of approach in this service activities carried out in the form of socialization, mentoring, counseling with door to door, forms of activities undertaken is to increase the capacity of small business management to improve the quality of the products, so as to meet the needs of the market through some of the existing supermarkets in Gorontalo .
Keyword : Improved Capacity Management, Quality of Products,
Quality Standards
Pusat Studi Pendampingan Koperasi dan UMKM LPPM UNS Solo
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