Syamsu Qamar Badu
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The purpose of this study (1) is to analyze the style of leadership of village heads based on the environment, and (2) to analyze the management of village-based potential environments. The method used is a survey method, with a type of quantitative research, by presenting descriptive data, which is obtained through observation and questionnaires; instruments for the deployment of 150 people, distributed questionnaires to 30 respondent which has been tested, and for the results of the data analysis research through the distribution of questionnaires to sample aiming at research as many as 45 people, which can be random. The distribution of the questionnaire instruments used were questionnaires with a Likert scale which had 5 alternative answers. Test the validity of the instrument calculated using the product moment formula, tested the reliability of the instrument using the Alpha Cronbach formula, which was previously data reduced and analyzed and compiled through the results SPSS calculations results showed as follows: (1) leadership style village head based on the environment in the village of Alo, District Bone Kingdom, Gorontalo Regency Gorontalo province, both categories, with a value of 0.306 (2) management of environment-based village potential in Alo Village, Bone Raya District, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, high category , with a value of 0.327
Keywords:- Leadership Style, Empowerment of Village Potential. Environmental Management
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