Amir Halid
- Pertanian
The research object is to know about the profile of maize farmer enterprise in Gorontalo regency, production of corn stick shrimp and original varian from Limboto lake, the forecasting of corn stick shrimp analysis on 5 years ahead with the method
of double exponential, the increasing of income with BEP method. This research conducted since August till September 2016 using discriptive analysis. The results of this research werethe groups of farmers enterprise, the more much of members and land worked as corn farmer found at Dunggala village in Batudaa sub-district which consist of 8 gorups, 187 members, and the land worked of maize about 157,3 Ha. Production economics analysis of home industry for corn stick which was shrimp taste from limboto Lake will get profit if the income above of break event isIDR.120,000.00. If production is over of break even point is 11,975 gram and will follow of the price over of break even point about IDR. 52,500.00. Forecasting analysis of
corn stick shrimp in five years ahead is in 2016 (24.664,2), 2017 (29.599,58), 2018 (34.534,24), 2019 (39.469,26) and 2020 (44.404,28). Forecasting analysis of corn stick shrimp which is original variant from Limboto lake in 5 years ahead is in
2016 (21.239,21), 2017 (21.939,82), 2018 (22.640,43), 2019 (23.341,04) and 2020 (24.041,65).
Key Words: Corn Production, BEP Analysis, Forecasting
International Journal of Current Innovation Research
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