Irvin Novita Arifin
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One of the most urgent factor in learning is create something new, fun and can be received by the child's that is teachers to develop learning resources that can exploit the full potential of the child's particular moral values so as to make the child feel at home or school as second home (secondhome) after a family because children at this age only the stage play as the role of study. It is recognized for children to play is actually a series of learning activities. especially on science learning on child development, including the development of other teachers are required to have a very important role in helping to lay the foundation skills of human resources and the establishment which expected. Awareness of the importance of equipping children character values at the higher science learning when the world realizes that living in a dynamic, evolving and changing constantly even further into the future, more and more complex in scope, and would further require conscious science because science demands dynamic process in thinking, observation, experiment, so that children find the concept. Teacher, who is expected in school learning, is able to accommodate the science learning character based because that will build a nature of positive that trained children are able to build relationships with other people and nature around it, therefore it is necessary circumstantial study concerning the role of teachers in developing science-based learning resources of character education on earlyage.
Keywords: the role of teachers, develop learning resources science, character education
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
International seminar of earlychildhood education
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