Yasin Mohamad
- Teknik
Agropolitan program that developed in the province of Gorontalo is a corn-based programs agropolitan [5]. Based on preliminary data, the agropolitan potential land area in the province of Gorontalo are 220 406 hectares, which has been utilized 99.176 hectares and 121.230 hectares area of local potential for the development of corn has not been utilized.
On the other side, the location of the implementation of farmers' activities post-harvest, carried out away from agricultural land, this is because the area surrounding farmland unaffordable electricity thus leading to higher production costs of farmers. Alternatives can be developed that is exploiting the potential of solar energy and wind energy as an alternative energy to support the power generation project at the location of agricultural land.
The research describes the potential land locations agropolitan in Gorontalo province that not fully utilized and has the potential of solar energy and wind energy, ie: the Bohusami village 422,988 W/m2 and 0,0,241 W/m2, Inogaluma village amounted to 357,06 W/m2 dan 0,09 W/m2, Buhu village amounted to 437,9 W/m2 and 0,425 W/m2, Tutulo village amounted to 397,18 W/m2 and 0,17 W/m2, Tunas Jaya village amounted to 383,944 W/m2 and 0,32 W/m2.
Keywords: solar energy, wind energy and agropolitan
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
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