Elya Nusantari
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Coastal ecosystems are a part of earth’s landscape and provide considerable benefits in many aspects, including education. Natural science learning, particularly biology learning at schools, in the perspective of ecosystem competence and environment suggests that the learners understand the concept of ecosystem, environment and aware of the environment. Students who learn in schools at the coastal area can learn the ecological system, such as mangrove ecosystem, coral reef and seagrass bed ecosystem directly too. Learners can identify direct objects in their school environment. The development of learners’ attitude is closely related to the environment where they live. Objective: To examine the capacity of coastal ecosystems, and to develop it into teaching media for biology classes at schools in the coastal areas.The media was called Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) or students’ work sheet. Results: The findings revealed that the learners’ understanding of biology, particularly the capacity of coastal ecosystems got increased. It was also found that the study generated the knowledge and scientific comprehension of the capacity of coastal ecosystems, its management and uses in educational principles. In addition, the findings showed that there was an improvement in the quality of LKPD which reflects a scientific approach. Conclusion: The study wassuccessfully conducted and addressed the research questions. Coastal ecosystems can be used to strenthen the scientific process in learning biology. LKPD is one of the learning media. It is expected that the findings can be utilised as one of the learning media that teachers and learners can use during biology classes. Coastal ecosystems, as learning resources in biology classes, can be a strategy for maintaining the sustainability of the existing coastal ecosystem capacity.
International Network for Scientific International Publication (INSI)
Elya Nusantari
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