Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
This research aims at investigating response of growt and result of patchouli (Pogostemon
cablin Benth) towards manure and liquid organic fertilizer. This research is conducted in
Talango Village, Kabila Sub-district, Bone Bolango District. It is started from April to
September, 2016. It applies Factorial group randomized design consisting of two factor;
manure giving with 2 levels namely 20 tons/ha and 30 tons/ha and liquid organic fertilizer
with 3 levels namely 10 ml/1 liter of water, 15 ml/1 liter of water, and 20 ml/1 liter of water,
thus, there are 6 combination of treatment. The treament is repeated 3 times till it gains 18
units of field trial. Findings reveal that treament of manure has influence in parameter of
plant’s height, number of leaves, fresh weight per clump, and dry weght per clump.
Meanwhile, treatment of liquid organic fertilizer has influence in parameter of plant’s height,
number of leaves, and fresh weight per clump while it does not have influence in parameter of
dry weight per clump. Interaction between manure and liquid organic fertilizer influences the
height of plant in age of 8 MTS and growth of leaves in age of 10 MTS. 30 tons/ha of manure
and 20 ml/1 liter of water give the best result.
Keywords: Patchouli, Manure, Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 6 No. 3 Desember 2017
I Made Sumerta, Zulzain Ilahude, Wawan Pembengo
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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