Wawan Pembengo
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Evalusai nature of rainfall and water balance in this land for planning pertanaman chili as well
as demonstrate a period of surpluses and deficits in order to provide optimum results in the
production of chili. The purpose of the evaluation research to find out the nature of rainfall
and water balance of land on pertanaman cayenne pepper in the Regency of Gorontalo. This
research was carried out from April 2017 until August 2017. The tools and materials used in
this research is the daily climate data (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, wind
speed, solar radiation, humidity and precipitation) from the Gorontalo Airport Djalaludin
BMKG Station for 10 years (years 2008-2016). Acreage data, extensive harvesting
(production) cayenne pepper plants in the Regency of Gorontalo during the last 10 years of
relevant agencies and data of the soil (soil moisture, crop coefficient, and the permanent
wilting point). The methods used in this research is a method of prediction methods and
arithmetic kuantitaif evapotranspirasi FAO Penman Monteith. Research results show that the
nature of the rainfall in Gorontalo walayah generally are normal (N) and the average
percentage of 36%, however the properties under normal (BN) has strong influence with the
average percentage of 33%. Water balance analysis based on land within the last ten years
shows that in 2014 the deficit occurred year round water for 6 months and getting worse by
the year 2015 the water deficits occurred during 8 months, known as the El nino very
powerful, so this affects crop production of chili. The State of the deficit continues until April
2016, although in January 2016 happen surplus.
Keywords: The Nature Of Precipitation, Water Balance Of Land, Cayenne Pepper.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 8 No 2 Agustus 2019
Rizal I. Bau, Nikmah Musa, Wawan Pembengo
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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