Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
This research aimed at exploring The influence of Water Supply and Phonse Dose to the Growth and The Yield of Rawit Chili Plants (Capsicum Frurescens L.) This research was conducted at Langge. Village Sub District of Tapa Discrit of Bone Bolango from April to July 2017. This research uses group randomized design factorial is soil with 3 levels of controls, phonska 1:mixed soil phonska 200 kg, and phonska 2:mixed soil phonska 300 kg. Second factor is water with 3 levels that is sprinkling 1 per day, sprinkling twice (2x) per day and sprinkling 3 times per day, the amount of water supply to the plants is 500 ml. Each treatment was repeated 5 times. The parameters observed were plant heingh, number of leaves, number of productive branches, age of flower family, number of fruit crop, and weightof fruitcrop. Data were analyzed by using variance. The results showed that the frequency of water supply twice a day influence the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, number of productive branches, the number of fruit crops, and the weight of the fruit crop. Phonska dose 300 kg has influenceon the parameters of plant heigh, number of leaves, number of productive branches, the number of fruit crops, and weinght of the fruit crop. Phonska dose 300 kg has influence on the parameters of plan heigh, number of leaves, number of productive branches, the number of fruit crops, and the weigh of the fruit crop. There is no influence of water supply frequency interaction and phonska dose on the growth and the yield of chili (Capsicum Frurescens L.)
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 8 No 3 Desember 2019
Nurtania Latief, Nikmah Musa, Wawan Pembengo
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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