Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
This study aims to determine the effect of concentration and time of application of leaf fertilizer and the interaction between the two on the growth and yield of peanut plants. This research was conducted in Timbuolo Village, Botupingge Subdistrict, Bone Bolango District. The time of the study began in May to September 2013. The experimental design used in this study was factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two treatment factors and 3 replications namely: leaf fertilizer concentration (K) and application time (W) . The first factor is the concentration of leaf fertilizer consisting of 3 levels, namely 0 g per liter of water, 20 g per liter of water, and 25 g per liter of water. The second factor is the application time consists of 3 levels, namely 2 times the application and 3 times the application. Observation parameters included plant height, number of leaves, number of pods, and weight of 100 seeds. The results showed that the treatment of leaf fertilizer concentration had an effect on the parameters of the number of leaves, number of pods and weight of 100 seeds while the plant height parameters had no effect. The treatment of leaf fertilizer concentration of 20 g per liter of water affects the increase in the number of pods by 25.77 pods while the treatment of leaf fertilizer concentration of 25 g per liter of water affects the increase in the number of leaves at 4 and 6 MST age 20.63 and 38.83 strands and the weight of 100 seeds amounting to 52.00 g. The application time and interaction treatments did not affect the overall parameters of growth and yield of peanuts.
Keywords: concentration, application time, leaf fertilizer, growth, yield, peanuts
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 5 No. 1 April 2016
Paris Biki, Wawan Pembengo, Fauzan Zakaria
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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