Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
The purpose of this study was to determine the utilization of tea pulp planting media and the provision of coconut water on the growth and yield of shallots (Allium ascalonicum. L). The research was conducted from April to July 2015 in Bongoime Village, Tilongkabila District, Bone Bolango District. This research method used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 2 factors, namely, the first factor of planting media consisted of 2 levels, namely without tea pulp and 100 grams of tea pulp / 4 kg of soil equivalent to 10 kg of tea pulp in 100 polybags. The second factor of frequency of coconut water consists of 4 levels, namely without coconut water, without coconut water, frequency of once every 3 days 200 ml, frequency of 6 days 200 ml, and frequency of 9 days 200 ml. The results showed that the tea pulp treatment had a significant effect on the growth and yield of shallots at high 2 MST, 4 MST and 6 MST, number of leaves 4 MST and 6 MST. Coconut water treatment significantly affected plant height 2 MST, 4 MST and 6 MST, number of leaves 4 MST, 6 MST. The interaction between the treatment of tea pulp media and the administration of coconut water every 3 days significantly affected the number of crop tubers and the weight of wet tubers.
Keywords: Tea pulp, Coconut water, and shallots.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 5 No. 2 Agustus 2016
Ridwan Ali, Zulzain Ilahude, Wawan Pembengo
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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