Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
This research aims to investigate time interval level of giving water that influences growth and yields of production of caynne pepper and to investigate a better time interval level of giving water that influences growth and yields of productions of cayenne pepper. This research this conducted in Village of langge, Sub-distric of tapa, District of BoneBolango, Province Gorontalo from june to September 2017. The research applies Completelly Raundomized Design with 4 treatments nemaly watering 0 until harvest in giver water, 0-50 day is given water then the same action is given once in a week based on capacity of place until harvest, 0-50 days is given then the same action is given once in a week based on capacity of place until harvest, 0-60 days is given water then the the same action is given once in a week based on capacity of place until harvest, 0-60 days is given water then the same action is given twice in a week based on capacity of place until harvest. Every treatment is repated in 5 times thus it generates 25 units of planting media. The observed variable are heigh of plant, number of leat, age of flowering, number of fruit perplant, and weight of fruit perplant. The obtained data are analyzed by applying analysis of variance (ANOVA). Rsearch finding confirm that time interval level of giving water influences number of fruit and weight of fruit of thr cayenne pepper (Capsiccum frutescens L.), time interval level of giving water 0-50 days is given water then the same action is given once in a week based on capacity of place until harvest has the best influence on yields of cayenne pepper (Capsiccum frutescens L.)
Keywords: time interval level of giving water, cayenne pepper
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 8 No 3 Desember 2019
Fatmah Podungge, Nikmah Musa, Wawan Pembengo
Tipe Material
ISSN 2252-3774
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