Zhulmaydin Chairil Fachrussyah
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Change in Indonesia food policy direction from agriculture to marine and fisheries has caused this sector be extensively developed. One of the important factors in fish resources exploitation is the availability of fishing vessel. Most fishing vessels operated by traditional fishermen are wooden-made. Nevertheless, the boat has not been built under a scientific building design process. This study was conducted in the coastal area of Kota Bitung, Manado Bay, and South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province, each of which two samples of vessels were observed. Data collection comprised the size of boat major dimension and the longitudinal movement angles of the boat. The data were, then, analyzed using Ms. Excel, Freeship and Wavelet software. Results showed that major dimension of the purse seiner in these three locations relatively varied: mean length was 17. 75 m ranging from 15.4 m to 20.5 m, mean width was 3.9 m ranging from 2.85 m to 4.75 m, and mean depth was 1.53 m ranging from 1.2 m to 1.815 m. Variations in major dimension of the boat resulted from different positions of the fishing ground for these vessels. A multiple linear regression analysis on the relationship among the major dimensions resulted in equations as follows: B = - 1.9406 + 0.3324 L; D = 0.237+0.073L ; D= 0.1965B + 0.7544. The results of a compirasion of major dimensions purse seiner at the research was clear that shipbuilding not yet have the value of criterion that could be reference in making small purse seiner for use in the three locations. The compiration L dan B enlarged and the ship was slender elongated and influential on the strength of a ship, while the compiration value L/B bigger impact on high the metacenter, and the value of B/D will be getting bigger on the balance of a ship Key Word : Dimension, Main, Vessel
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