Ismet Sulila
- Ilmu Sosial
The law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2016 about villages has had an impact on village autonomy in community development. This condition is viewed as an opportunity and challenge in the utilization of regional potential. Iluta Village is one of the fostered villages of Institute of Research and Community Service of State University of Gorontalo appointed based on Rector’s Decree No. 45/PM/LPM/2012 about the establishment of the fostered village of Institute of Research and Community Service of State University of Gorontalo. Iluta Village is a village located on the coast of Limboto lake, which has been dealing with water hyacinth growth issue this entire time. The implementation of the first year of Portal for Independent Village Development Program is focused on: 1) utilizing water hyacinth as various handicraft products, 2) strengthening of human resources in preventing water hyacinth, 3) strengthening management function and element as well as its implementation in group business. Based on the first year program realization, it is decided that the program to be implemented on the second year is: 1) continuing the utilization of water hyacinth as various handicraft products, 2) strengthening financial management function and element as well as its implementation in group business activities, 3) standardizing a variety of superior handicraft products made of water hyacinth. The target that has been achieved in the second year is 1) reduced number of water hyacinth on the coast of Limboto lake, 2) improving financial management capacity, 3) the availability of standardization of a variety of superior handicraft products made of water hyacinth. Keywords: empowerment; finance; product standardization.
E-DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Tipe Material
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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