Ria Indriani
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Cayenne pepper as an agricultural commodity has distinctive characteristics that are not available every time are difficult to store for a long time and prices tend to fluctuate. The implication is that chilies require a treatment such as supply chain management well and post-harvest treatment such as dried or mixed material for processing industries. This study aims to describe the pattern of product flow in the cayenne supply chain in Gorontalo. The study used the survey method and sampling using a purposive sampling technique to farmers and traders. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and Hayami added-value analysis. The results of the research show that the product flow pattern in the cayenne supply chain is a product distribution in the form of fresh cayenne pepper and dried cayenne pepper. Farmers sell fresh cayenne through collector traders, wholesalers, market traders and directly to retailers. While processing and distributing dried cayenne by retailers. The added value created by every kg of fresh cayenne pepper is Rp 1,126,688 or 90.27% of the production value. Hayami's additional analysis shows that the added value in every one kg of dried chili is Rp. 7,400 or 59.20% of the value of the product. The rate of profit is 58.1% of the value of production, meaning that every 100 kg of production value will be obtained as much as 58.1 kg of profit.
IOP Publishing
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