Ria Indriani
- Pertanian
Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan mekanisme rantai pasok cabe rawit berdasarkan aliran produk, aliran informasi dan aliran uang, Penelitian dilaksanakan di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : Mekanisme rantai pasok cabe rawit di Provinsi Gorontalo bersifat modern dimana aliran produk berdasarkan ketersediaan berupa cabe rawit segar dan produk olahnya. Aliran Informasi cukup lancar dan aliran uang menggunakan sistem transaksi pembayaran tunai dan kredit. Rantai pasok cabe rawit terdiri tujuh saluran distribusi dan saluran tiga merupakan saluran yang paling dominan.
Keywords : Mekanisme, supply chain
The aim of this research is to describe the supply chain mechnanism of chilis based on product, information and cash flows. This research conducted at Gorontalo Province by using surveyed and descriptive analysis methods. The result of the research shows that : the supply chain of chilis at Gorontalo Province were modern which the products flow were based on its raw chilis availabilities and its derived products. The information flow was smooth and the cash flows is using a cash payment transaction system and credts. There are seven channel distribution happened and the third channel were the dominants among all.
Keywords: Mechanism, supply chain
Departemen Sosek Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin
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