Fahrudin Zain Olilingo
- Ekonomi
The purpose of this study is to provide benefits and ethically-rooted managerial implications based on theoretical underpinnings through an empirical study using correlation between wages, bank credit, government expenditure on economic growth, and employment via a case study in Indonesia. Besides that, managerial implications strive to provide benefits to the government regarding the importance of
establishing effective and pro-development regulations to realize economic growth and employment through the efficient role of wages,bank credit, and government spending. This study uses secondary macroeconomic data from the period 2010-2019 with analysis using the correlation test with the Pearson correlation method. Out of eight hypotheses tested, two hypotheses do not have a significant correlation. The details of the statistical results obtained the following correlations: the correlation between bank credit and wages has a significant, but indirect (negative) correlation. However, the correlation between bank credit and economic growth has a direct and significant (positive)
correlation. Government expenditure correlates positively with wages, but correlates negatively with bank credit. Wages are positively correlated with economic growth, but have no significant effect on employment. Finally, economic growth has a positive correlation with government expenditure, but does not have a significant correlation with employment.
Keywords : Bank Credit, Wages, Government Expenditure, Economics Growth, Employment
Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA)
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