Muhammad Sarlin
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This articlefocuses on the social study instruction based on the dialogue at primary school.There are five points to be concerned on, that are (1) Teacher reason to choose instructional based on the dialogue; (2) Teacher role in social study instruction based on the dialogue; (3) Teacher technique in social study instruction based on the dialogue; (4) Things thatobstruct teacher in applying social study instruction based on the dialogue. Findings of this study are as follows: (1) objective and instructional material will be delivered; time allocation of an instructional as the basic for choosing dialogue approach. Besides that, the activity during teaching learning process involves the students as learner. (2) Teacher role in social study instruction based on the dialogue is the central in managing instructional activities, therefore teacher creativity is needed beside mastering the material, choosing of method should based on the instructional material, the using of media and learning sources should be various in order to make learning meaningful. In addition, teacher roles provide facilities for students as the subject of learning by involving them in designing the topic. (3) Learning sources used in social study instruction based on the dialogue are as follows: person, material, tool, and background, used of learning sources should consider instructional material and objectives as well as support the interaction between learners with learning sources. (4) The number of students is also the obstruction in applying social study instruction based on dialogue. So it is important for teacher to understand the characteristics of students in order to overcome the problems in class; the big number of students in a class can be divided in small group heterogeneously. (5) Dialogue approach can be used as an alternative in reaching learning objectives, as well as it can be collaborated with other method by considering the objectives will be reached.
Scientific Forum-Faculty Of Education Department Of science Education (FIP-JIP)
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