Zainudin Bonok
- Teknik
Abstract. Information and communication technology has improved rapidly, but this technology is still underutilized in the world of education in Indonesia, especially virtual laboratories, with the existence of virtual laboratories the learning process becomes faster and more attractive so that the equality of learning can be done anywhere ant at any time especially with covid 19 outbreaks which swept the world, in Indonesian suddenly required to work and study online, for online lectures are often used but for practices where there are no facilities available for virtual laboratories, this research was conducted to design and plan using virtual office information system services and virtual labs can be accessed at any time with more efficient use of time. This research was carried out in the electrical engineering laboratory of Gorontalo State University. The method used in this research is to study literature and develop PHP programming software and AJAX programming technology and Cloud meeting zoom technology or vicon.ung.ac.id. The research tool is using tools in the form of laptop hardware or personal computer and software in the form of object-oriented programming language PHP and AJAX programming technology. The research results showed that the virtual office can process the implementation of office work in the laboratory with the work system being the target of work for laboratory managers, and students who are practicing Basic Telecommunications Engineering from the results of the Urgency Implementation of Virtual Office Information System Services in Basic Telecommunications Engineering practice, Electrical engineering laboratories can be used quickly and easily if supported by adequate network infrastructure. Digital telecommunications applications, conducting office / laboratory administration and practices activities can still be implemented with the presence of virtual office system services office / laboratory activities related to information services can be done with time efficiency, place efficiency, saving costs, Reducing barriers to a pandemic like this year 2020 with covid 19, so that the Basic Telecommunications Engineering Practicum will continue, can save operational costs when pandemics like covid 19.
IOP Publlshing, IOP Conf. series : Materials Science and Engineering , 4 march 2021, 1098 (2021) 042052
Z Bonok, B P asmara and S Abdussamad
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