Ellyana Hinta
- Bahasa
ABSTRACT This study examines the problem of colonial body construction in the short story "Variola" by Iksaka Banu and the relationship with outside discourse. The theory used is Sara Upstone's spatial politics, especially about body space. The body was seen as the site for the hegemonic practice of colonial discourse. Such a body is known as a metaphoric body; that is, one that can be divided and has hierarchical relationships. The data collection methods of this research are literature review and observation technique. The data analysis used a qualitative descriptive method. The results and discussion of this study prove that body construction in the short story "Variola" is not an autonomous body. Through the narrative of salvation in the form of vaccinations, the children's bodies were then used as a colonial space marked by discourses of blood purification and white racial supremacy. The practice of marking was aimed at instilling and or affirming the superiority of the West as a colonial state. The superiority that was deliberately constructed by the colonizer caused inequality so that the colonized became the object of illumination or civilization. The appearance of the Dutch figure and his character through the sacrifices made by Hendrik Plathart in one sense is chaos in the general view of the psychological discourse that all colonizers were evil. However, on the other hand, the sacrifice of the bodies of children born from relationships with indigenous women shows that they are still trapped in the discourse of blood purification. KEYWORDS: Spatial Politics, Body, Colonial Discourse & Vaccination
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