Zuchri Abdussamad
- Ilmu Sosial
Abstract: The objective of the current study is to find out and analyze
the determinants of personality formation of public services in the local
government of Pohuwato regency. The method used in this study is a mixmethod that is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.
The results showed that based on the results of the above analysis, it is concluded that the following matters, the determinants of personality formation of public services in the regional government of Pohuwato regency amounted to 79.90 after being confirmed by the Service Quality Score Interval Criteria table at a position with the value of 76.61-88.30, thus, the level of community satisfaction gets a good category while the Public Service implemented by the Pohuwato Regency Government is included in the category of service quality with the good category as well. Based on the results of this analysis, some of the suggestions in this study include: 1) service requirements still need to be improved, especially the service information to be easily seen, speed up time and service procedures and providing the training for implementers through training and career development. 2) repair the facilities and infrastructure for the convenience of customers and facilities for people with disabilities.
Keywords: Personality formation; Public Service; Local Government.
Penerbit Index Copernicus
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
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