Citron S. Payu
- Sains
The purpose of this study was ti determine: (1) how to design learning science teacher at elementary school all the District Batudaa, (2) the availability of instructional media science in elementary school all the District Batudaa, (3) the efforts of teachers to increase the interest of learners in a elementary school Sub district Batudaa. The research was conducted on teachers elementary school science subjects all the District Batudaa, Gorontalo district, by taking a sampe of 36 people. The approach in this study is a qualitative approach with case study. Based on the analysis, it is concluded, (1) the condition of the teacher as the sole source of information for learning, (2) most of the elementary school all the District Batudaa not have a media availibity maximun learning science, (3) a teacher at elementary school all the District Batudaa increased interest in learning science learners pursuing several things, namely: a) support and productive learning environment, b) learning environment that fosters improvement of independence, collaborative, and self-motovation, c) the needs of the student, the student’s prespective, reflected in the study program, d) students are challenged and supported to develop critical thinking skills, and e) learning to connect students with the community and practices that are beyond the classroom.
Keywords: Teacher designing learning, instructional media, interest in learning
Fakultas Matematika dan IPA Universitas Negeri Manado
Citron S. Payu
Tipe Material
Prosiding Annual Meeting of Mathematics and Natural Science Forum of Indonesian Institutes of Teacher Training and Education Personnel (MatricesForIITTEP)
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