Asna Ntelu
- Bahasa
This study aims to find out the relation of language family and glottochronology of Gorontalo
language and Atinggola language in Gorontalo Province. The research employed a comparative
method, and the research instrument used a list of 200 basic Morris Swadesh vocabularies. The data
source was from documents or gloss translation of 200 basic vocabularies and interview of two
informants (speakers) of Gorontalo and Atinggola languages. Data analysis was done by using the
lexicostatistic technique. There were four indicators used to determine the word family. The results
of data analysis reveal that there are 109 or 55.05% word pairs of the word family out of 200 basic
vocabularies of Swadesh. From 109 related words, it can be specified by these following results: (a)
10 identical word pairs (5.05%), (b) 26 words of one different phoneme (13.13%), (c) 45 pairs of words
with correspondence phonemic (22.73%), (d) 28 words of phonetic equivalent (14.14%). The results of
this study also show that the glottochronology of Gorontalo language and Atinggola language are
(a) Gorontalo and Atinggola languages are one single language at 1.377 + 122 years ago, (b)
Gorontalo and Atinggola languages are one single language at 1.449 - 1.255 years ago. This study
concludes that (a) the relation of the kinship of these two languages is in the family group, (b)
glottochronology (separation time between Gorontalo language and Atinggola language) is
between 1.4 to 1.2 thousand years ago or in the 12th – 14th century.
Keywords: Kinship Level, Lexicostatistics Study, Relation.
This is an open access article under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
MIR Center for Socio-Economic Research, MD, USA
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