Rieny Sulistijowati S.
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu hedonik dan kimia ikan teri (stolephorus commersonii) asap cair dengan lama perendaman yang berbeda. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah lama perendaman ikan teri asap cair dengan konsentrasi 1,5 % dan lama perendaman yaitu 5 menit, 10 menit, dan 15 menit. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode Multirater Rasch Model untuk mendapatkan data hasil organoleptik mutu hedonik dan dianalisis dengan Minifac, data – data hasil kimia diperoleh melalui Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan dianalisis dengan Compare Means One-Way ANOVA. Hasil analisis Anova dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian mutu organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa Ikan teri asap cair dengan lama perendaman berbeda yang terbaik yaitu 15 menit memiliki kenampakan yaitu utuh, bersih, rapi, seragam, cemerlang, sangat menarik; aroma asap cair yaitu segar, spesifik jenis tanpa aroma tambahan; tekstur yaitu padat, kompak, antar jaringan sangat erat; rasa yaitu segar spesifik jenis tanpa rasa tambahan. Sedangkan pada hasil analisis mutu kimia memberikan pengaruh nyata pada kadar air dan kadar fenol dengan nilai 7,86 %, 0,0279 %. Kata Kunci : Kadar Air; Kadar Fenol; Mutu Hedonik; Ikan Teri (Stolephorus commersonii); Asap Cair. ABSTRACT This study aims to understand the quality and chemistry of anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii) as soon as possible with different soaking times. The treatment in this study was the duration of soaking liquid anchovy with a concentration of 1.5% and the duration of soaking was 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes. This study was designed using the Rasch Multirater Model method to obtain organoleptic data that is supported by hedonics and analyzed by Minifac, chemical processing using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and analyzed by Compare Mean One-Way ANOVA. The results of the analysis continued with Duncan's further tests. Organoleptic quality research results show that liquid smoked anchovy with the best soaking time is 15 minutes that has an appearance that is whole, clean, neat, uniform, brilliant, very attractive; liquid smoke scent that is fresh, special types without additional scents; dense texture, dense, between networks is very tight; additional taste without flavor type without additional flavor. While the results of the analysis of chemical levels have a significant effect on water content and phenol content with a value of 7.86%, 0.0279%. Key Words: Water content; Phenol content; Hedonic quality; Stolephorus commersonii; Liquid smoke
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