Zulaecha Ngiu
- Ilmu Sosial
ABSTRACT: The research is aimed to find out (1) the direct influence of work culture towards the performance of ASN in the Bone Bolango District Education Office of Gorontalo, Indonesia; (2) the direct impacts of work environment towards the performance of civil servants. The data were collected by using questionnaire technique or list of questions. Further, the data are analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The result of the research shows that (1) work culture has a positive direct impacts, but it is not give significant effect towards the employee performance. The work culture variable does not have significant direct effects towards the performance of the civil servants. The research hypothesis is rejected and it is allegedly because of the work culture orientation that focuses on the desired achievment and the management philosophy that focuses on the work implemented has not been fully reflected and implemented consistently and strongly by the employee. This impedes the improvement of civil servants’s performance in organizations; (2) work environment has a positive but it is not give significant effect on the performance. The work environment variable does not have a significant direct effect on employee’s performance. The reason for rejecting this hypothesis is allegedly because of the interaction of employee in the work environment has not reflected the construction of a strong and solid mindset of understanding as an action in respondingthe era of digitizing technology. Hence, this has an impact on the weakening of compromise, cooperation, teamwork and communication network between the employees itself. This condition impedes harmony in achieving the work targets set.
KEYWORDS: Work culture, work environment, civil servant, performance
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR)
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