Agus Bahar Rachman
- Peternakan
Onset and duration of estrus are the early indicator of the success of prostaglandin F2? on the implementation of the estrus synchronization. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of prostaglandin F2? injected in the vulva submucosal to the onset and etrus duration of kacang goats. This research has been conducted in the District of Bone Pantai, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia. Kacang goats were used in research are 12 and grouped by doses/tail, there are 0.25 ml, 0.50 ml, 0.75 ml, and 1.00 ml. Kacang goats housed in a single enclosure and fed with local natural feed that is often consumed; natural forage and bran. After the adaptation process of feed and maintenance management for 2 weeks, kacang goats injected with prostaglandin F2? 1 ml/tail in the vulva submucosal by 2 times of injection. Onset and estrus duration was monitored every hour since it was first injected. Descriptive analysis result obtained from the mean of onset of estrus in kacang goats were injected with 0.25 ml dosis is 39.5 hours, 0.50 ml dosis is 62 hours, 0.75 ml is 50.5 hours, and 1.00 mL was 38.5 hours. Estrus duration were injected at 0.25 ml dosis is 28 hours, 0.50 ml dosis is 30.5 hours, 0.75 ml is 28.5 hours, and 1.00 mL is 29.5 hours. Based on the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the number of doses doesn’t give significant effects statistically (P>0.05) on the onset and estrus duration of kacang goats were injected PGF2? in the vulva submucosal. Keyword: dosis of prostaglandin F2?, estrus synchronization
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin
Fahrul Ilham, Safriyanto Dako, Agus Bahar Rachman, Yupandi Halubangga
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