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Iloponu Village has the potential for agro biopharmaceutical development, but has not been developed optimally. The development of agro biopharmaceuticals is not only beneficial for health but has economic value that can increase people's income. Biopharmaceutical plants such as eucalyptus have the potential to become land conservation plants. This service activity aims to conduct field observations of problems and alternative solutions by implementing participatory technology development and community development, as well as making persuasive and educational efforts to the community in the development of agro biopharmaceuticals based on land conservation in Iloponu Village. This community service activity uses the following methods: (1) field observation, (2) participatory technology development, (3) community development through training and mentoring, (4) persuasively by jointly building bioprime holes, and (5) educative through the planting of eucalyptus plants together. The development of agro biopharmaceuticals in the form of making local community medicinal gardens is carried out in locations with priorities for Dusun II, III and IV (priority 1) and Hamlet I (priority 2). Community knowledge and skills increased by more than 80%. Efforts
to conserve land based on agro biopharmaceuticals are carried out together with the community by making bio pore holes and planting eucalyptus plants. Field observations help identify problems and set priorities for land conservation-based agro biopharmaceutical development activities, while participatory technology development has resulted in local community medicine gardens and community development has increased the knowledge and skills of residents in
agro biopharmaceutical development. Persuasive efforts have been carried out by making bio pore holes in the yard and agricultural land, while public education has been carried out by planting eucalyptus plants in Iloponu Village
Jurnal Abdi Insani, 9(1), SINTA 4
Nurdin, Suyono Dude
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