Fenty U. Puluhulawa
Jenis Penelitian
Penelitian Kerjasama Internasional
Sumber Dana
Research tittle Risk Management Strategy to Mining Area Polluted by Mercury. (Rasch Model to evaluate public’s attitude toward prohibition toward mercury use as the implementation of Minamata Convention). This research in long term expected to give solution in respond and following up the problems related to used of mercury and other compounds in small scale gold mining which could be dangerous to environment and public’s health. Specific target to achieve is to identified the national regulations on mercury used prohibition, and public’s attitude towards mercury used prohibition and other compunds in mining activivities. This research held by Rasch analisys approach. Object of this research is the society, means (the government officials, the community around the mine, the miners, NGO). The sample used was 49 (fourty nine) person which is determined by purposive sampling, and used quitionnaire consisting 25 items to examine reliability and separation item, and person reliability. Measurement in this research used Likert scale. Output target is as the presenter in International Conference, namely 3rd Transdiciplinary Research on Environmental Problems in South East Asia (TREPSEA) in 2018, which could be accessed on, on August of 2018. Proven by sertificat as presenter, abstracts book, and full paper article presented at the seminar and research report.
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