Mohamad Jahja
Jenis Penelitian
Penelitian Kerjasama Internasional
Sumber Dana
Bone Bolango Regency has several villages which are isolated because of geographical conditions and conservation reasons. To turn economic development in the village many programs has been launched, including supply of electricity using renewable energy such as Micro hydro electric and solar cell. Unfortunately most of power plant did not sustainable because of several factors including no human resource can handle it and local organization to manage it is too weak. Story of in Bone Bolango is not unique there are many similar stories in the entire Indonesia. To address why the ideal program of government is failing, we proposed this research which has ultimate aim to solve the existing problem in the society through research using transdisciplinary approach. Our starting location is Bone Bolango regency where we have been in contact for years. The first year of research will be focused on framing the problems in the society through eyes of researchers (academics), government and people. The second year of research will be focused on transferring knowledge from each side to the others with aim to create goal oriented solution. Ones we have it in the third year, we will delivered that together (co delivered) and see what happen. The output research is reputable international conference in Indonesia or Southeast Asia.
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