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The purpose of this research is basically oriented towards the output of teaching materials based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Gorontalo. This research was conducted for 2 years (2022-2023). The specific research objectives for year 1 (year 2022) are: (1) identifying the English curriculum at FEB, namely in the management study program, student character and needs, concept analysis, formulation of learning objectives, and analyzing teaching materials; (2) designing ESP-based English materials; (3) designing the format of ESP-based English teaching materials. The specific objectives of the second year (2023) are: (1) to develop ESP-based English teaching materials "ESP for Management" in the Management study program. The research was conducted at the State University of Gorontalo, Faculty of Economics and Business, especially in the Management study program. The research method uses a research and development design (Research & Development) which includes 9 (nine stages) including: 1) developing information and research, 2) planning, 3) developing an initial product form, 4) initial field testing, 5) product revision , 6) core field test, 7) operational product revision, 8) operational field test, and 9) final product revision. This form of development was modified with a constructivist approach, which was carried out for two years (2022 to 2023). Targets/objects of research are students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNG, study program S1 Management. The instruments used in this research are questionnaires, observations, study documents. The outputs of this research are (1) ESP-based English teaching materials (2) products, and (3) scientific publications (accredited national journals) or scientific publications (international seminars) in the form of proceedings, (4) HKI.
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