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Artikel Ilmiah Pada Jurnal Internasional (DP2M)
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This study purpose is to obtain fix format on poverty alleviation models in Gorontalo- Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data is collected by interview techniques, documentation and direct observation. Data and information are gathered from key informants and reliable sources. SWOT analysis techniques is used to analyze the data through a process of identifying the issues, application of litmus test, and policy strategies formulation to reduce poverty in Gorontalo-Indonesia. Study findings show that model of poverty alleviation in Gorontalo still based on state policy (top down) that must be obeyed by all citizens of country through various programs and projects and ad-hoc activities (supply-driven approach). Participation principle is still often overlooked in perspective of policy formulation of poverty alleviation program. In addition, various activities of poverty alleviation programs still not integrated and synergistic. It creates overlap between programs of each Local Apparatus Work Unit (LAWU) as a policy implementer of poverty alleviation programs. Understanding is required to follow this model by strengthening the system by focusing on revitalization of administrative resource, information system improvement of poverty data, poverty development and empowerment and reconstruction capability institutional
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