Nonny Basalama
Jenis Penelitian
Penelitian Pengambangan Fakultas dan Keilmuan (BOPTN)
Sumber Dana
This study sets out to examine students’ perception on the issue of plagiarism across four departments; Indonesian, English, Art, Drama, and Music, and Tourism department in Faculty of Letter snd Culture in the State University of Gorontalo (UNG). There are only few researches focus on understanding issue of plagiarism and its matter in Indonesia Educational context, and more specifically in Gorontalo Province. This study contributes to describe the phenomenon of students’ understanding on the issue of plagiarism and what factor may or may not influence them to be involved in the practice across several departments in a faculty. In addition, what are the perspective on the issue of plagiarism and its practice at multiple level in the university also have been appointed by lecturers across departments and their thought on ways and strategies which can be used to offer solution to the existing problem on the issue.
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