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DP2M Dit. Litabmas
This study aims to assess the implementation process of lesson study in increasing science process skills in science instractional at the Biologi Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Gorontalo in 2011. The study is an action research. The subject were selected in the learning of science in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Gorontalo (Microtechnique), indicate a significant change in the achievement of the science process skills which is due to that lesson study can increasing the quality of learning and able to be the foundation for the development of learning; also, lesson study will put the role of the lecturer as a learning researcher; and lesson study which is designed properly will make a professional and innovative lecturer. In order to achieve the target of science process skills to the maximum, a number of aspects need to be considered in the implementation of lesson study which are:Plan, the delivery of content should be well comprehended by the students, preparation of alternative materials and there should be a commitment of the lesson study collaborator (lecturer). Do, the phase (implementation) that students should be ready in order to be able to create flow charts, analyze and report the final practicum and See, the readiness from whole components of lesson study to present the findings and problems during the implementation of lesson study which will be followed up in further subsequent planning. For recommendations and suggestions on science instractional, it is essential to take into account that the implementation of lesson study needs the readiness of infrastructure tools and institutional policies that encourage the creation of a conducive atmosphere. In addition, lesson study can be documented by each collaborator (lecturer), so that it can be published and disseminated.
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