Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra. HAKOP WALANGADI, M.Si. / 0012075808
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
DR. MUCHTAR AHMAD, S.Pd, M.Si / 0004057805
The problems studied in this research is Is sosiodrama method can improve
student achievement in social studies learning in the material position and the role
of family members in the class No. n SDN. 67 East City District of Gorontalo
city, with the aim of research to improve student achievement through
sociodramatic methods on learning social studies in the material position and the
role of family members, at No. SDN. 67 East City District of the city of
Type of research that is in use is the method of action research subjects were 32
students with grade II No. SDN. 67 East City District of the city of Gorontalo.
Data collection techniques used that observation, testing, and documentation. The
data analysis technique used is the percentage analysis. The experiment was
conducted in two cycles with four stages, namely: the preparation phase, the
implementation phase of the action, monitoring and evaluation stage, the stage of
analysis and reflection. Based on the findings that the two cycles is defined
performance indicators achieved telali well
The results showed that in cycle I. Academic achievement of students who have
achieved mastery on the minimum criteria established pebelajaran IPS that 80
schools were 18 students with a percentage of 57%. While in the second cycle,
students who have achieved academic achievement of students with mastery as
much as 25 percentage of 78%. It can be concluded that the method can
sociodramas improve student achievement in social studies learning in the
material position and the role of family members in the class II No. SDN. 67 East
City District of the city of Gorontalo.
Keywords: Achievement, Status and Role of Family Members, Methods
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