Penulis / NIM
FAJRIN IBRAHIM / 151413128
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs DJOTIN MOKOGINTA, M.Pd / 0010055705
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. ISNANTO, S.Pd., M.Ed / 0010078009
ABSTRAK Fajrin Ibrahim. 2017 " Hubungan Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Guru Di SDN 05 Tilamuta Kecamatan Tilamuta Kabupaten Boalemo". Skripsi. Gorontalo Program Studi S1 PGSD Jurusan Pendidkan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing 1 Drs. Djotin Mokoginta. S.Pd,. M.Pd, dan Pembimbing II Dr. Isnanto. S.Pd., M.Ed. Tujuan dalam penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan kinerja kepala sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja guru di SDN Se Kecamatan Tilamuta Kabupaten Boalemo. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru di SDN Se Kecamatan Tilamuta, sedangkan sampelnya terpilih adalah guru SDN 05 Tilamuta dan SDN 11 Tilamuta. Jenis metodelogi dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara stratifiet Random Sampling, dengan di tentukan dasarnya rumus n = N/(N.d2+1) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 5% dengan jumlah 30 sampel. Hasil hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan koofisien korelasi dan determinasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja kepala sekolah memiliki hubungan terhadap motivasi kerja guru. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan data statistika diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar r = 2,4 yang berarti variabel kinerja kepala sekolah memilki hubungan secara signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja guru. Hal ini didukung oleh determinasi r2 = 57.6% Hubungan kinerja kepalah sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja guru dari hasil yang diperoleh t(1.005)(30-2)= t(0.995)(28)= 0.374. Hal tersebut menunjukan kinerja kepala sekolah dinilai memiliki hubungan terhadap motivasi kerja guru dengan nilai 31.47 Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja kepala sekolah memilki hubungan terhadap motivasi kerja guru di SDN 05 Tilamuta dan SDN 11 Tilamuta Kabupaten Boalemo. Kata kunci: Kinerja kepala sekolah, Motivasi kerja guru. ABSTRACT Ibrahim, Fajrin. 2017 "School Principal Performance Relation to Teacher Work Motivation In Elementary School of SDN 05 Tilamuta Tilamuta District Boalemo Regency". Undergraduate Thesis. Gorontalo. Department of Elementary Teacher Education. Faculty of Education. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor: Drs. Djotin Mokoginta. S.Pd, M.Pd. Co-Supervisor: Dr. Isnanto. S.Pd., M.Ed. The purpose of the research is to find out whether there is a relationship of principal's performance to teacher work motivation in SDN Se Kecamatan Tilamuta Boalemo Regency. The population of this study was all teachers at all SDN in Tilamuta district, while the samples were selected from SDN 05 Tilamuta and SDN 11 Tilamuta teachers. The type of methodology in this study was quantitative. Sampling technique was done by Stratified Random Sampling, with the basic formula of n = N/(N.d2+1) with a confidence level of 5% with a total of 30 samples. The results of the hypothesis in this study were tested by using correlation coefficient and determination. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the principal has a relationship to teacher work motivation. After the statistical data processing obtained correlation coefficient value of r = 2.4 which means the principal performance variable has a significant relationship to teacher work motivation. This is supported by determination r2 = 57.6%. The relationship between school performance against teacher work motivation from the results is t(1.005)(30-2)= t(0.995)(28)= 0.374 and it shows that the performance of principal is considered to have a relationship to teacher work motivation with a value of 31.47. Thus, it can be concluded that the performance of principals have a relationship to teacher work motivation in SDN 05 Tilamuta and SDN 11 Tilamuta Boalemo. Keywords: School principal performance, teacher work motivation.
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